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This is a family page. To be more precise, a page of family members, the photo of Johnny isn't exactly rated G, but everyone insists that he's a distant cousin, and if you've seen the video Hurt he does look like my dad all through the years.

A group of Cash's 9/2008

Just because we don't understand doesn't mean that God's plan isn't perfect

Johnny thanks the Nashville music establishment for their support

On left, from 1995, four generations, David, 7 yr old Paul, Willis, and T.M. On right, 2009 HPU grad Paul

Born and raised in Philly, Emma's an Eagles fan. The Eagles vs Cowboys games are always interesting days in our home.

Emma's protege Zac preparing shrimp cocktail, having learned that cocktail sauce is better when you make it yourself.

Autumn, Emma's cat. Click image to see album.